A cool, honeycomb-inspired abstract live wallpaper. Blue, patterned rings slowly rotate independently and fade in and out. Touch Enabled, OpengGL.
Features (enabled in "Configure" or "Settings"):
* touch-enabled! Swipe up or down to spin the rings faster. Tap quickly to slow down again
* Lots of colours: blue, magenta, pink, red, green, "Tron", golden, ice, fire, "magblue", green and more! More will be added. Note that loading of new textures can take a few seconds. This is not a bug and will only happen once.
* Custom color slider with hue/saturation!
* multiple fade schemes: linear, heartbeat, pulse and none. Timings and brightness are settable
* sync schemes: make the rings spin in sync, alternating pattern, or random pattern. Control speed in sync and alt modes.
* special effects: "centre glows" or does not fade out
* change minimum fade value for linear fade style
* move the centre of the circles left/right or up and down
* shrink or expand rings
* change brightness